Three new colors for the DSi hitting Japan

Nintendo loves its Japanese fans more than it does its American fans and proves it with this new release. Three new colors for the Nintendo DSi XL will be released sometime in late June.

The colors are of course Yellow, Green, and Blue. That’s cool and all, but I really think Nintendo should poll people on what colors they want when a system launches. Waiting a while after launch to release newer colors is such a punishment to early adopters. Especially since these new colors are sweeter than the Bronze. and Burgundy Color.

Oh well… how do you feel about Nintendo’s color choices?

An artist from New York. Will has been writing, designing, and loving video games since he was young. He has traveled across the United States, and parts of Canada in order to learn more about the world of gaming. After visiting E3 for the first time in 2009, he has vowed to return there and show off a game of his own. In his spare time he tinkers with electronics, programming, and of course collecting video games.