Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 not coming to the Wii U?

Nintendo has insisted that they will work with 3rd party developers to release key multi-platform games.  Unfortunately, it seems as though not all of the third party developers have jumped on board just yet.  Dave Cox, Head of product planning and development at Konami, has stated that Castlevania: Lord of Shadow 2 will not be coming to the Wii U…or will it. In an upcoming interview, Dave h...

Miss Any of The Trailers From E3?

Whether due to work, school, or other obligations, some of our readers out there might have missed a trailer or two that was showcased during E3.  Instead of weeding out all of the garbage from the internet to find the one trailer you are looking for, the staff at has compiled links to all of the trailers released since the show started.  If a video is missing, don’...