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Yesterday’s long-awaited, story-extending DLC for Batman Arkham City, which came with a $10 price tag, reminded me of a similar game-extending gem that hit Nintendo’s e-Shop last week for WayForward’s excellent platformer, Mighty Switch Force. Five new levels, a new “Retry” button, and an enhanced 3D effect on existing levels were brought to the table, and you know wh...
At a time when many development studios are in danger of closing there doors, or in the case of Visceral Games and Bizarre Creations,they already have, it becomes apparent that the business of video games can be rough at times. It’s not all doom and gloom, there are actually a lot of dev houses that are making quite a bit of money such as Infinity Ward, Blizzard, and yes, even Nintendo. But those ...
It’s no secret that Infendo loves Wayforward Technologies and the unique titles they bring to the table. From Contra to Shantae, Wayforward has delivered the goods. In an interview with Nintendo Power Matt Bozon reveals what the studio will be releasing next. Nintendo Power: What about Mighty Switch Force makes it something you can experience on the Nintendo 3DS system? Matt Bozon: In Mighty...
I haven’t played that many Contra games. Prior to Contra 4 the only Contra game I’ve had any real previous experience with is Operation C for the Game Boy and a little Contra III too on the SNES. Contra 4 feels right at home with those games. As the name of the game indicates this is a direct sequel to Contra III: The Alien Wars. So expect to fight against never ending hordes of various military t...
At the time of its original release this was only the second portable Contra game in the series. Contra 4 does an amazing job at being both new and nostalgic at the same time. It is able to hit all the things that make a Contra game fun to play while also adding something to the series. And for player looking for a challenge Contra 4 delivers. This game is definitely recommended for anyone that wa...
Lukas Termini Independent game design is something that we discuss a lot on Infendo Radio, and as a subject it’s been particularly thought provoking for me. This is because I’ve spent the last 12 years of my life with the aspiration of eventually making game design my single profession, whether through corporate or independent means. It’s something that’s very personal to me, and it causes me to s...
In the Indie game scene, seemingly everyone is friends. Dust: An Elysian Tail saw many favorites from the indie scene make a cameo appearances, such as Meat Boy and Bandage Girl from Super Meat Boy, and The Kid from Bastion. It comes as no surprise then that Inti Creates, developer behind Blaster Master Zero, is partnering with Wayforward and Yacht Club Games to bring Shantae and Shovel Knight to ...
Wayforward recently gave us an amazing remake of Ducktales, making fanboys from the NES era something to squeal about. Now, they are after the Bronies. Via reddit, Wayforward announced that they would like to create a My Little Pony game. The desire to create the game came directly from Adam Tierney. “Oh, and we’re 100% not kidding, people – SO many people here at WayForward wanna make a ...
WayForward has announced Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, a new HD game in development seeking funding as a Kickstarter project. If successful the game will release on Wii U eShop, Steam as well as other consoles. If you are wondering why WayForward has decided to crowd fund the game their welcome section will shed some light: “Over the last 23 years WayForward has developed more than 200 l...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nar1u-Co3jA#action=share[/youtube] DuckTales: Remastered will be released on various major platforms beginning this August. Say it with me: Woo-oo!!! The WayForward-developer and Capcom/Disney co-published remake of the NES classic will finally hit the PC, PS3, and Wii U on August 13, followed by the Xbox 360 version releasing on September 11. DuckTales: Rem...
Moments ago via their Twitter account WayForward has revealed first details on upcoming 3DS game Mighty Switch Force 2. Directly from WayForwards website: Patricia Wagon returns to heat things up with a refreshing spray of blaze-battling action/puzzles. This time Officer Wagon and Corporal Gendarmor join Planet Land’s Fire Brigade to prevent Tangent City from burning to the ground. Players will co...
Nintendo has long been very selective over their key franchises such as Mario and Zelda. Only in the last couple of three years has Nintendo actually trusted a company to take charge of their key independent properties. Sure, Grezzo was in charge of porting The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D to the 3DS, and Team Ninja developer Metroid: Other M for the Wii, but will Nintendo ever trust other ...